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Below you can find a small selection of resources in British Columbia for support and information on body image concerns or eating disorders. There is also a national directory listed. This is not an extensive list. If you note that there are more services that should be included, please provide the information for the organization in the feedback and questions contact form under the Feedback and Questions tab. Also, if you are in high school or university, your school support services would be a good place to start.

Boys will be boys is a website aimed at empowering boys, men, or those who identify with the provided information. They provide numerous articles on body image for men and links to American, Australian, and Canadian organizations that offer treatment support.

CMHA’s website provides an explanation of what body image is, how it affects a person’s mental wellbeing, and how to promote better body image. CMHA does not provide services specific to body image and eating disorders, but it provides a self-esteem test and a list of resources to reach out to.

Foundry provides services to people ages 12-24. On the Foundry website, you can find a body image and eating self-check, information about behaviours, thoughts and feelings that may arise from body image concerns, and support resources. Foundry has 11 centres throughout BC for drop-in or virtual counselling, and groups for body image concerns or eating disorders. All centres offer free services.

There are 15 Interior Health locations in BC offering eating disorder treatment services for severe or life-threatening eating disorders. Services include group counselling, individual counselling, family counselling, and education. Referral from a physician is needed. Services are free and open to all ages but availability is limited.

Jessie’s Legacy provides body image and eating attitudes screening tests, and information on body image and eating disorders for families, youth, and educators on their website. There is a question and answer section to gain knowledge and support for your curious questions. They also offer prevention presentations for the community and schools in Metro Vancouver for a fee.

Kelty Mental Health offers information like what an eating disorder is and how treatment helps. Kelty Mental Health provides parent peer support to people of all ages for free and can connect people with numerous resources and treatment providers in BC. There is also a service offered for professionals to build a community and become more educated on eating disorder treatment.

Looking Glass offers an information library on eating disorders, links to organizations and services (both online and in-person) within Canada, and a counsellor directory for the lower mainland. They offer a few programs such as a peer mentoring program, online peer support, online forum for 24/7 support, scholarship program, and phone support. These services are free and are available to those 14+ or 16+ depending on the program. They also run a residential program for those ages 16-24 struggling with an eating disorder. The residential program is in Vancouver, BC and is by referral only.

Nalgona Positivity Pride organizes two support groups called Sage and Spoon. These groups are for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) who struggle with body image concerns and disordered eating. The support groups are available to those who are 18+. They are free and occur monthly on zoom. Nalgona Positivity Pride also hosts online events to educate individuals on topics such as how historical trauma, gender violence, or colonialism impact body image.

NEDIC offers information, resources, referrals, and support to anyone in Canada struggling with an eating disorder. To find a provider near you, you can put in your postal code, cost requirements, age range, and concern to be treated and it will find a list of resources available for your specific needs.