Information Sheets

Also under this section:

Creating Space In The Body Positivity Movement Poster

This poster will explain how people with privileged social locations can de-center themselves and refocus body positivity. Voices of marginalized people who experienced the barriers within the body positivity movement are combined to create this poster.


Fat Liberation Manifesto

The Fat Liberation Manifesto was written by two members of the Fat Underground and published in 1973. The Fat Underground was a feminist organization that was formed to fight against fatphobia and discrimination.


(Gerhardt, n.d.)

More People Should Be Fat Article

This is the article that Lew Louderback wrote in 1967. It was one of the pieces that spurred on the fat liberation movement.


(Luna, 2020)

Toxic Positivity Poster

Wondering what toxic positivity is and how you can practice healthy positivity? This poster will explain how to deal with any shame that may be associated with the need to always feel positive.


Photo References

  1. Gerhardt, L. (n.d.). The rebellious history of the fat acceptance movement. Center for Discovery: Eating Disorder Treatment.,protest%20bias%20against%20fat%20people.
  2. Luna, C. [@chairbreaker_]. (2020, April 21). The Fat Liberation Manifesto by Judy Freespirit and Aldebaran (1973). [Tweet]. Twitter.