
Below you will find all the information sheets and the mind map available in one spot. Please do not hesitate to print them off or share them. Continue the conversation in your own life.

See something that is missing? No problem! We have a feedback and questions contact form under the Feedback and Questions tab and we would be happy to gather more ideas. Body image is an ongoing conversation. We would love for you to be part of it with your suggestions and ideas.

(Luna, 2020)

(Gerhardt, n.d.)

Photo References

  1. Gerhardt, L. (n.d.). The rebellious history of the fat acceptance movement. Centre for Discovery: Eating Disorder Treatment.,protest%20bias%20against%20fat%20people.
  2. Luna, C. [@chairbreaker_]. (2020, April 21). The Fat Liberation Manifesto by Judy Freespirit and Aldebaran (1973). [Tweet]. Twitter.