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Embodying My Body: Mirror Mirror Podcast

June 2, 2021

Embodying My Body by Mia Dunbar. This podcast dives into my body image journey and how I’ve learned to move past loving myself to reach a place of co-existence with my body.

Body Positivity Versus Body Neutrality: Mirror Mirror Podcast

July 21, 2021

In this episode, Marie and Mia explain the differences between body positivity and body neutrality. This discussion aims to critically question the impact of these movements and who has (or has not) been given space to honour their bodies.

(Afful & Ricciardelli, 2015; Anscomb & Deprez, 2021; Bothra, 2020; Chrisler, & Johnston-Robledo, 2018; Cohen et al., 2020; Dalessandro, 2016; Drummond, 2002; Engeln & Immundo, 2020; Frazier & Mehdi, 2021; Gillon (Ngāti Awa), 2019; Graham, 2016; Harms, 2020; Johansson, 2020; Kessel, 2018; Kite & Kite, 2020; Lazuka et al., 2020; Leboeuf, 2019; Luo, 2020; Mallya M, 2020; Merica, 2021; Miller, 2016; Park, 2020; Preston, 2021; Raypole, 2021; Severson, 2019; Singh, 2020; Stiman et al., 2009; Streeter, 2019; Taylor, 2021; Tedx Talks, 2019; Tinsley, 2019; Wincentaylo, 2020; Woodley, 2018)


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